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Limited Parts
Limited Accounting
Part Price
Business Scenario
In this scenario, an app developer named "Acme" owns a qualifying application and would like to receive estimate data from repair facilities running CCC ONE® Estimating software. CCC Secure Share™ Program (CCC Secure Share) requires Acme to develop, configure, and register its application, and each repair facility to agree to share data with Acme's app. Acme uses the CCC Secure Share developer portal to configure its app, and the repair facility can easily search for and activate data sharing with the app via the CCC Secure Share™ Marketplace from within its CCC ONE Estimating software.
The key thing to understand in this configuration is that the estimate data will be pushed from the CCC Secure Share cloud to Acme's cloud when changes are made to the workfile in CCC ONE Estimating.
STEP 1: Acme configures app in CCC Secure Share
App must be wholly owned by Acme.

STEP 2: Repair Facility configures data sharing
Repair shop decides which app(s) it wants to share data with.

Data Sharing
Estimate data may be sent to Acme's app when the repair facility saves changes to the estimate, locks the estimate, or chooses to manually export the data using the CCC ONE Estimating software.