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Part Price
Business Scenario
In this scenario, an app developer named "Acme" would like to receive estimate data from repair facilities running CCC ONE® Estimating software and then use that data in multiple registered apps. The first key point here is that each app must be registered on CCC Secure Share™ Program (CCC Secure Share) by Acme so that the repair shop has a clear and transparent view of how their data will be used should they decide to activate data sharing. The second key point here is that the repair facility determines which apps offered by Acme will be granted access to their data. Lastly, Acme is responsible for honoring the repair facilities explicitly declared security grants. CCC Secure Share will prepare a BMS message and will list out all the Permitted App IDs inside the OtherReferenceNumber section of the BMS to provide a clear declaration of the security grants the shop has permitted.
Please note that it's also possible for Acme to configure multiple apps to receive data directly from CCC Secure Share via a push mechanism.
STEP 1: Acme defines apps and data flow
All apps must be wholly owned by Acme.

STEP 2: Repair Facility configures data sharing
Repair shop selects downstream apps for data sharing.

Data Sharing
In this model, estimate data is passed from the CCC ONE Estimating software to App 1, then App 1 passes the estimate data to downstream apps the repair shop has permitted for data sharing.