Pass by
Limited Parts
Limited Accounting
Part Price
Business Scenario
In this scenario, an app developer named "Acme" wishes to share data with a supply chain partner for the purpose of quoting, ordering, or invoicing parts related to a vehicle damage repair. The CCC Secure Share™ Program (CCC Secure Share) has defined a set of fields called the "Limited Parts Message" of which all or some may be passed to an anonymous third party supply chain partner without that entity being a registered CCC Secure Share App Developer. Notably, the Limited Parts Message does not contain any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as home addresses, consumer phone numbers, complete VINs, claim numbers, or policy information - and therefore represents a stripped down, non-identifiable data set that can be used in the parts supply chain.
For additional details please review CCC Secure Share™ Program Limited Parts Messages.
STEP 1: Acme configures app in CCC Secure Share
App must be wholly owned by Acme.
STEP 2: Repair Facility configures data sharing
Repair shop decides which app(s) it wants to share data with.
Data Sharing
Estimate data may be sent when the repair facility saves changes to the estimate, locks the estimate, or chooses to manually export the data in the CCC ONE® Estimating software.