Pass by
Limited Parts
Limited Accounting
Part Price
Business Scenario
In this scenario, an app developer named "Acme" wishes to receive data from repair facilities and then return back part price changes (similar to how it worked with EMS).
The CCC Secure Share™ Program (CCC Secure Share) provides this capability to app developers with app types of "Parts Procurement" and "Body Shop Management". CCC Secure Share will send BMS data to your cloud endpoint as configured in the Environments tab in the CCC Secure Share Developer Portal. If a part price has changed, your cloud may then use the //DocumentID field from the BMS estimate to compose a response along with the affected part prices which you will then pass back to CCC Secure Share. (See API Documentation for more details).
STEP 1: Acme configures app in CCC Secure Share
App must be wholly owned by Acme.

STEP 2: Repair Facility configures data sharing
Repair shop decides which app(s) it wants to share data with.

Data Sharing
Estimate data may be sent when the repair facility saves changes to the estimate, locks the estimate, or chooses to manually export the data in the CCC ONE® Estimating software.